I’m a penetration tester with experience in testing and auditing IT systems. My main competencies are Internal Penetration Testing and Web Application Security.

  • Energetic, motivated professional with an educational background to support all aspects of information security.

  • Out-of-box thinker who is comfortable in teams or independently to ensure results consistently.

  • Known for delivering service in fast-paced environments with the skill set to handle secure code review, project management and more.

Security Certifications:
Certificate Fullname Shortname Difficulty Contains
Offensive Security Wifi Professional OSWP Medium-🟠 General Attacks of Wi-Fi
Offensive Security Certified Professional OSCP Medium-🟠 Network and Web Application Penetration Testing
Offensive Security Certified Expert OSCE Advanced-🔴 Reverse Engineering & Evasion Techniques & Exploitations
Certified Red Team Professional CRTP Advanced-🔴 Active Directory Penetration Testing & Red Team Scenario Development
Knowledge of Tests:
Test Name Do
Internal Penetration Testing
External Penetration Testing
Web Application Penetration Testing
Mobile Application Penetration Testing
API Penetration Testing
SCADA/ICS Penetration Testing
BDDK (Banking and Regulations in Turkey) Penetration Testing
Social Engineering Tests
DDoS Tests
Source Code Reviews

If you need to ask any further question, you can ping me below: